Pengalaman Menonton Teater Psychosynthesis On Tour di Permaisuri Zarith Sofea Opera House

Pengalaman Menonton Teater Psychosynthesis On Tour di Permaisuri Zarith Sofea Opera House

Pengalaman Menonton Teater Psychosynthesis On Tour di Permaisuri Zarith Sofea Opera House ||  Menonton teater merupakan salah satu aktiviti menarik bagi Nona kerana terdapat penceritaan di dalamnya. Kita sebagai penonton sememangnya didedahkan dengan sinopsis terlebih dahulu agar memahami serba sedikit persembahan teater berkaitan apa. Cuma bagi Nona, saya suka biarkan minda saya tidak terlalu membayangkan bagaimana ianya bakal ditayangkan dan biarkan ianya berlaku secara natural. I mestilah nak enjoy the show, kan! Jom teruskan pembacaan tentang Pengalaman Menonton Teater Psychosynthesis On Tour di Permaisuri Zarith Sofea Opera House yang aku pergi haritu!

PHSYCHOSYNTHESIS is a powerful, dynamic, fast-paced theatrical dance production. The struggles faced by individuals and community during the pandemic and the subsequent social, emotional, and cerebral toll informs the genesis of the piece, forming an impressionistic collage of movement and dance. 

Opera House

Lokasinya bersebelahan R&F Mall, JB.

PSYCHOSYNTHESIS is a physical manifestation of the mind, exploring the repercussions that long periods of isolation have on the human psyche. The dance serves as creative navigation of such experiences faced by the world. Working in tandem with science, and multimedia, the piece engages movement and music to portray an abstract journey which begins with intense turmoil and finally resolves with a sense of hope for the future , despite the unknown.

PSYCHOSYNTHESIS delivers a visual feast where themes of physiological, metaphorical, and psychological coalesce and pay homage to the efforts of health workers during the global pandemic.



COVID-19 has upended life as we know it, placing tremendous pressure on public healthcare systems and crippling the economic state. As the lethasl virus reared it ugly head, our dedicated healthcare workers stood nobly on the frontliners battling the unprecedented challenges of pandemic day and night.

Psychosynthesis is a heartfelt tribute and nod to our medical heroes unwavering efforts in a time of crisis-showing that with emphaty, compassion and grace, humanity can, and will, triumph.

To all personnel, workers and professionals in the healthsector: Thank you for your selflessness, dedication, and sacrifices you have made for our nation!

Zarith Sofea

Amaze pulak nengok dorang lentikkan badan Gini 😍
Nak try lentikkan badan sendiri lah!! Dengan berat badan sekarang, tak berkemampuan kot! 😂


Lampu tu we called as 'The Sphere'. Aku tengok pembikinan lampu unik ni kat Instagram!

'THE SPHERE' serves as a symbolic representation within Psychosynthesis. Yes, the innovative light structure is composed of a number of LED Light tubes. 

Embodying the structural aspects of the virus, mental turmoil, emotions and unity of humanity. 

Psychosynthesis On Tour

Overall, bagi Nona, persembahannya unik. And ini first time Nona tengok teater tanpa sebarang lirik, just ada Muzik saja. Untuk itu, Nona kena bebetul fokus pada semua pergerakan yang di atas pentas barulah Nona rasa keseronokan menonton tapi rasa nak tergeliat badan pun ada bila tengok dorang buat pergerakan ballet tu semua.. Hahaa. Terlentik sana sini. Penggunaan pentas digunakan sepenuhnya.. Time lagu rancak, terasa nak ikut dance sekali 😃 Setiap pergerakan Dan aksi yang dipersembahkan mempunyai maksud tersendiri kalau betul betul kita hayatinya. And yes, they have a good movement. Tengok ler siapa Choreographer yang terlibat 😙

Cuma haritu Nona agak terkejut sikit time pencahayaan tinggi digunakan sampai bersilau mata tapi bukan sepanjang masa, ada time time yang ditinggikan sikit cahaya lampu nak bagi highlight the scene..


Pameran di bahagian luar theatre hall ✅

And sebenarnya, ini pun first time Nona jejak R&F mall Dan Permaisuri Zarith Sofea Opera House ni 😍 Terus off ye line kat sini tapi tak kisah pun sebab, Wi-Fi FREE disediakan for all. Laju!! Hehe!


With junior kat tempat kerja. Terasa muda bila bergambar sama mereka 😁 Anyway, I want to Congratulate to team Kenny Shim Dance Collective, & Asia Ballet Academy kerana usaha menjayakan persembahan yang menarik ni! 👍 Jom Nona bawak korang tengok serba sedikit persembahan mereka dalam Psychosynthesis On Tour haritu,!

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